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Grand Jury

What is a Grand Jury and How Does it Work?

Understanding the Role of Grand Juries in Criminal Investigations

Definition and Purpose

A grand jury is a legal body composed of laypeople (ordinary citizens) that evaluates evidence and determines whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed with criminal charges against an individual. Grand jury proceedings are typically not open to the public.

Composition and Selection

Grand juries typically consist of 16 to 23 individuals who are randomly selected from the community. They serve for a specified period of time, usually for several months.


During grand jury proceedings, a prosecutor presents evidence and testimony to the jury. The jury deliberates in secret and votes on whether to issue an indictment, a formal accusation that charges the individual with a crime.

Grand juries have the authority to subpoena witnesses and documents, and they can also request additional evidence from the prosecutor. They are not bound by the same rules of evidence as a trial jury, and they can consider hearsay and other evidence that would not be admissible in court.

Role in Criminal Justice

Grand juries play a crucial role in the criminal justice system by providing an independent review of evidence before charges are formally brought. They help to ensure that individuals are not prosecuted without a reasonable basis.

Recent Developments

In recent years, grand juries have gained attention for their use in investigating high-profile cases, such as the investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Grand juries can be an effective tool for prosecutors to investigate complex and politically sensitive cases.

Benefits and Criticisms


  • Provide an independent review of evidence
  • Protect individuals from being charged without sufficient evidence
  • Allow prosecutors to investigate sensitive cases more thoroughly


  • Proceedings are secret, which can lead to concerns about fairness
  • Grand juries are not always representative of the community
  • Prosecutors have a significant amount of influence over the process


Grand juries are an important part of the criminal justice system. They provide an independent review of evidence and help to ensure that individuals are not prosecuted without a reasonable basis. However, it is important to consider the potential limitations and criticisms of grand juries to ensure that they are used fairly and effectively.
